
Chris-Before-and-AfterThis blog chronicles Chris Hollmon’s 60 day juice/raw fast. The initial posts are REPOSTED from Facebook status over that time. I am using this as an archive of those 60 days. I will also be documenting the fast I did, recipes I made, what I’ve learned in the process, and the breaking of the fast diet, and life beyond.

10 thoughts on “About

  1. Dumb question: What is the difference between “Blend to juice” and “Blend to smoothie”? Are you using the blender method on both?

    • I assume you mean on the day-by-day?

      If so.. On some of the fancier blenders you actually have 2 settings one for juice an one for smoothie. That recipes that have Smoothie in them have more ICE in them and usually have banana and avocado in them are meant to be a smoothie to shake things up a bit. You would need to move your post-juicer juice into a blender for this to work. If you are doing the fast that way.

  2. Thanks Chris. As is typical for me, I am totally overthinking this process. Feel like I need to have all the i’s dotted and t’s crossed before I can begin. Time to just step off the ledge and see what happens, huh? I will be shopping tomorrow, then there are not more excuses (my new favorite saying, “excuses excuses blah blah blah”).

    • That’s great! Just takes that great big first tiny step! This is mostly mental. If you buy a fancy blender or juicer you’ll also want to get the most out of your money. I forget off the top of my head but I think the initial fast cost me $18 a pound lost. In he 60 day period. It pretty much paid for itself now πŸ™‚ Also, there are no final i’s to dot. No final T’s to cross. There just you and tomorrow. everyday an adventure, everyday NOT yesterday’s you. I told a woman at work today “What would give to lose 50lbs right now?” She basically said “anything”. I said “would you give up the meals that you had since feb 11th?”

      Because that was 60 days ago and you could be 50lbs down today if you had taken that step then. So I’m soooooooooo excited that you are going to take the plunge. Burn very bridge behind you. I you can never go back their is only forward. Good luck my friend. I wish you all the greatest blessing!

  3. Do you have an email you are willing to share? I saw your post on the reboot website about staying within a $40/week budget and am wondering if you have tips on how to do that? I feel like I spend SO much money on produce…

  4. Hi Chris, I found your site through Reboot and am really enjoying your blog. I see that you are local (coincidentally I was at Busch Gardens myself this week). Wondering if you shopped at Fresh to Frozen on Midlo Tpk to help keep costs down? They have super cheap produce, sometimes organic. Just making sure you know about it as it’s a huge money saver.

    • Hello local RVA’r. I do know about it! My sister shops there as it close to her house, I just moved from the Libbie grove area to the west end near 288 and Patterson so I’m not really close to it… But thanks for posting it is a really great option for folks!

  5. You look AMAZING. Thank you for all of this wonderful information. It is so inspiring. Just curious…what was your total loss those first 60 days?

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